
About The Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre

In 2009 statistics and competitiveness journey started in the federal government of the UAE. In 2020 the federal competitiveness and statistics center established under Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, plays a central role in advancing the UAE's national agenda on statistics and competitiveness. As a key strategic player within the UAE's statistical ecosystem, FCSC is dedicated to enhancing the nation's global competitiveness by pioneering innovative approaches to statistical governance and excellence. The Centre is further committed to ensuring the effective integration and unification of official statistics across the seven emirates, driving evidence-based decision-making across all levels of government. FCSC also spearheads the UAE’s engagement in key strategic partnerships at the national, regional, and international levels, positioning the nation as a leader in shaping the future of statistical governance and global competitiveness. On the national front, FCSC chairs the National Statistics Committee (NSC), jointly co-designing the future of official statistics in the UAE. Internationally, FCSC partners with renowned statistical organizations and research institutes to bolster the nation's competitiveness. As the UAE’s representative to the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) for the 2025-2028 term, FCSC plays a vital role in influencing global statistical agendas and driving the modernization of official statistics globally.

Core Business
Statistics SectorSustainable Development GoalsCompetitiveness Sector
Our Mandates

Suggest policies, strategies and plans related to statistics and competitiveness by coordinating with related government entities and seeking approval of the cabinet


Study best international practices in the statistics and competitiveness sectors and seek to apply them.


Advocate and spread a culture of competitiveness and reinforce the importance of having available statistics and data in the country.


Provide training and technical support to all governmental entities and advance statistics and competitiveness based on international best practices.


Offer data services and technological and technical consultancy and carry out specialized surveys for the requester.


Develop and execute a unified statistical system within the different sectors that feature comprehensiveness, accuracy, sustainability and modernity on the country level.


Arrange and participate in conferences, seminars and workshops related to the statistical and competitiveness domain by coordinating with the concerned entities.


Represent the country in international agreements, conventions and programs that are related to statistical and competitiveness domain by coordinating with the concerned entities.


Unify the definitions, methodologies and classifications within the statistical and competitiveness standards through coordination with government entities and international institutions.


Classify and analyze statistical data and competitiveness indicators by cooperating with government entities and work on providing them.​​​​​​​​